Zinc Strips

Cincinnati Gutter & Roof Prtotection offers zinc strips which are precision engineered to provide long term roof protection from fungus, moss or an algae attack.

By installing one row at or near the roof ridge line, you protect the entire roof. Every time it rains, the zinc strips go to work releasing invisible,(but safe!) zinc oxide to inhibit the growth of fungus, moss and algae and keep it looking beautiful! .

Our Zinc Strips actively inhibit the growth of moss, fungi, algae, for new or existing composition roofs. Designed to be installed on a new or existing roof. It is recommended that the roof be cleaned first with our Roof Cleaner to remove any existing algae, fungus, and/or moss prior to installation of zinc strips.

Cincinnati Gutter & Roof Protection invites you to contact us for all your roofing, vinyl siding, gutter, and gutter guard needs. Call (513) 563 - 9988 or email us at LeafRelief@aol.com